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Create Arch Linux Live USB and Install it on a Removable Medium


where archlinux-version-x86_64.iso is the path to the iso image file within the cygwin directory and \\.\x: is your USB flash drive where x is the windows designated letter, e.g. \\.\d:.

Alternatively, if you are on Linux, you can use the dd command to create a live USB. Replace /path/to/archlinux.iso with the path where you have downloaded the ISO file, and /dev/sdx with your USB drive in the example below. You can get your drive information using lsblk command.

Create Arch Linux Live USB

Once you have created a live USB for Arch Linux, shut down your PC. Plugin your USB and boot your system. While booting keep pressing F2, F10 or F12 key (depending upon your system) to go into boot settings.

Go to the Arch Linux Download page, and download Arch Linux ISO. If you are not sure about what download option to choose, go to the HTTP Direct Downloads, scroll down to your country section, click on any link and download the archlinux-x86_64.iso file.

Here is my version, at the time of writing, of the installer script in itsentirety. You can find my live/latest incarnation in my [arch-pkgs] gitrepository alongside all of the other resources I discuss in this series. Ihighly recommend that you start with this as a base, fork it or place it inyour own repository and customise it to your liking. My version is likely to changein the future as I evolve how I run my systems.

Now for the persistent bit. It turns out that archiso has boot parameters that allow you to modify the behavior of the live os. It took me a while to figure out how this works with mkinitcpio and stuff. But in essence there are initcpio hooks that get run on startup of the live cd if you specify them in the HOOKS part of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf. One of those hooks is archiso. That one sets-up the filesystem and accepts parameters for a persistence layer with a cow (copy-on-write) filesystem. Normally that cow filesystem is a tmpfs and gets deleted after shutdown. But if you specify other options, all starting with cow_, then you can change this behaviour and put the cow filesystem on a persistent medium.

arch-root will take care of various steps needed to make the chrooted environment feel like a proper one (e.g. mount /proc).Note: if your /boot folder lives on a separate partition you need to mount it in manually (after mounting /dev/sda2):

As you see in the above output, It is very obvious that there is not much space left in the root partition. I ran "df -h" command to check the size of the filesystems. The output showed my root filesystem has only 256MB. So, I realized I need to adjust the size of the root partition on my live Arch Linux system. I headed to Arch Wiki hoping to find a suitable workaround. Fortunately, I found it after a couple searches. If you ran into this issue, just follow the steps below to fix it.

When you boot the Arch Linux livecd, press e or hit tab key to edit the kernel parameters. Go to the end of the line that says ".... linux=... initrd=...." something like that and append cow_spacesize=1G at the end to get 1GB size root partition or whatever space left from RAM.

I recently downloaded archlinux, but as embarrassing as it is I simply don't think I am installing it correctly. When I do my version of the install and hook it up to the Raspberry Pi, the screen remains black.

The Gaming edition has the same tweaks and looks as the regular dr460nized edition. It comes preinstalled with a lots of software that a linux gamer might need. Included software: Launchers:Steam, Heroic Games Launcher, itch, Lutris, MinigalaxyWINE, Boxtron, Proton GE custom, DXVK, faudio, vkd3dGOverlay, ReplaySorcery, SteamTinkerLaunch, MangoHud, Gamemode and vkBasalt Tools: CoreCtrl, DisplayCAL, NoiseTorch, OBS Studio, KeyboardVisualizer, OpenRGB, FancontrolGUI and PiperCommunication:Discord, MumbleEmulators: Retroarch (with all cores) Virtualization:Virt-manager (a frontend for QEMU/KVM and libvirt)Games: kde-games and others

IMPORTANT: About how to increase cowspace (Copy on Write) while running ArchEX live (from DVD or USB) If you want to install a program or upgrade the whole ArchEX system while running ArchEX LIVE you may get an error message saying that the system is out of space. Then run the following command:sudo mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspaceYou can set the size to 3G, 4G or even higher if you have plenty of RAM, but 2G is normally enough. You can check how much of the cowspace you have left with the command df. Watch this screenshot. NOTE: This is not necessary as regards ArchEX Build 220905/220904. I have increased the cowspace with 2GB in advance.

IMPORTANT: About how to increase cowspace (Copy on Write) while running ArchEX live (from DVD or USB) If you want to install a program or upgrade the whole ArchEX system while running ArchEX LIVE you may get an error message saying that the system is out of space. Then run the following command:sudo mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspaceYou can set the size to 3G, 4G or even higher if you have plenty of RAM, but 2G is normally enough. You can check how much of the cowspace you have left with the command df. Watch this screenshot. NOTE: This is not necessary as regards ArchEX Build 220212. I have increased the cowspace with 2GB in advance.

IMPORTANT: About how to increase cowspace (Copy on Write) while running ArchEX live (from DVD or USB) If you want to install a program or upgrade the whole ArchEX system while running ArchEX LIVE you may get an error message saying that the system is out of space. Then run the following command:sudo mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspaceYou can set the size to 3G, 4G or even higher if you have plenty of RAM, but 2G is normally enough. You can check how much of the cowspace you have left with the command df. Watch this screenshot.NOTE: If you have downloaded the ArchEX ISO after 210305 you will notice that I have already increased the cowspace from 1GB to 2GB. If you need more you can use the command above.

IMPORTANT: About how to increase cowspace (Copy on Write) while running ArchEX live (from DVD or USB) If you want to install a program or upgrade the whole ArchEX system while running ArchEX LIVE you may get an error message saying that the system is out of space. Then run the following command:sudo mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspaceYou can set the size to 3G, 4G or even higher if you have plenty of RAM, but 2G is normally enough. You can check how much of the cowspace you have left with the command df. Watch this screenshot.NOTE: If you have downloaded the ArchEX ISO after 201002 you will notice that I have already increased the cowspace from 1GB to 2GB. If you need more you can use the command above.

I recently used this method to create an Ubuntu live usb from an ArchLinux system. It was Ubuntu 12.10, and it worked. But since Ubuntu is full of magic, who knows why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. 2ff7e9595c

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