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Vdc Project Mayhem Cheat V3 02 29


VIC-II scrolling is a relatively complicated, CPU intensive task, although it is not uncommon for C64 game programmers to cheat by designing graphics so that the color RAM can remain static. Another standard trick is to use a section of the screen (perhaps the bottom or top 4 or 5 character rows) as a game status area to display score, lives, etc. reducing the amount of scrolling that has to be performed. Finally, it is often necessary to use the "double-buffering" technique to prevent screen tearing. Two 1k blocks of screen ram are reserved; one is displayed while another is written to, then during vblank they are quickly swapped through manipulation of the VIC-II registers. Unfortunately this cannot be done with color RAM.

vdc project mayhem cheat v3 02 29

Not quite, there are lots of high voltage, low current applications that are a lot less dangerous. The problem here is high voltage and fairly high current. Thirty deaths driving cars is not statistically significant but thirty deaths doing some niche hobby is pretty serious. High voltage projects using microwave transformers are common but ones where you hold the high voltage leads in our hands is not too common.

That is the point here. These YouTube videos are being presented to a public that is unlikely to have a clue. On this site, it is a reasonable project with a few warnings. Sending this out to the world at large is probably not a good idea knowing how many people have the electrical safety experience to know what is at stake here.

I see projects where they put 200 9 volt batteries in series and manually handle connections to the stack with clip leads. Yikes. High voltage kills. Only safe way is with remote control and contained within a cabinet with interlock switches and HV safety bleeders.


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